Third Party Protection & The Charity Commission for Northern Ireland
Discussion Third Party Protection & The Charity Commission for Northern Ireland This topic was raised in the Charity Tribunal as a potential consequence of the Commission as a body corporate, not being accepted as a body who has the capacity in law to afford 3rd parties the same protection to the public as a regular incorporated company. The fear appears to be, that if we accept (and we do), that the Commission is a statutory incorporation, constrained by the statute that created it, then the public is not afforded the same protection as with ordinary incorporated bodies. The Charity Commission for Northern Ireland is an Executive NDPB . As a public body it delivers a particular public service, and is overseen by a board of Commissioners rather than ministers. Appointments are made by ministers following the Code of Practice of the Commissioner for Public Appointments. It employs its own staff and is allocated its own budget. Also known a...